super hero

This is my super hero that I made as a summer learning journey task. I used craiyon and added this to make her a powerful woman surrounded by mystical creatures and walking on water with brown hair and green eyes with a blue super suit as a superhero and this is what I got.


Don’t fall for fake

today  we learnt about how to not fall for fake site and email . we learnt it because it will help us to identify the fake stuff and real stuff  this is  a made up postcard of a place that we did not go to on.

week 4 term 4

in my class we have been learning about mondrian art. he’s art is made of three colours  yellow red and blue with black line thin and thick and we add some grey and leave some white. I like doing the mondrian artwork because it was easy to do and fun to learn about him. I have been doing kapa haka and we have been working hard to get ready to perform in 2 weeks  I really like doing kapa haka because i get to learn more about  the language and be confident in ourselves. we have been doing poetry  we did an I am poem about our personality.



what is media

Hi this is what we have been doing this week for cyber smart. We were  learning about media and what it is what types of media there is and that is why we did a poster or slides to show about media.

internet Etiquette


there is a different thing to the top one that is a bit rude and they might take it the wrong  way. the bottom one is  more kind and helpful.


this is a google meet of my group and we did it so we can show about Etiquette on the internet.